- Millar, B. (Accepted/In Press). ‘Grief and suicide’, in M. Cholbi & P. Stellino (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Suicide. Oxford University Press. (expected 2024)
- Millar, B. (Accepted/In Press). Can animals grieve?, Ergo.
- Millar, B. (2023). ‘From odours to flavours: perceptual organisation in the chemical senses’ in Young, B. & Keller, A. (Eds) Theoretical Perspectives on Smell. Routledge.
- Ratcliffe, M., Richardson, L., Millar, B. (2023). On the appropriateness of grief to its object, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 9(2), 318-334.
- Millar, B. (2023). Grief’s impact on sensorimotor expectations: An account of non-veridical bereavement experiences, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22, 439–460.
- Millar, B., & Lopez-Cantero, P. (2022). Grief, continuing bonds, and unreciprocated love, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 60(3), pp. 413-436.
- Richardson, L. & Millar, B. (2022). Grief and the non-death losses of Covid-19, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
- Ratcliffe, M., Millar, B., & Richardson, L. (2022). Introduction. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 29(9), SI: 'Understanding Grief: Feeling, Intentionality, Regulation, and Interpretation'
- Millar, B., Lee, J. (2021). Horror films and grief, Emotion Review, 13(3), 171-182.
- Richardson, L., Ratcliffe, M., Millar, B., & Byrne, E. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic and the bounds of grief. Think, 20(57), 89-101.
- Millar, B. (2021). Towards a sensorimotor approach to flavour and smell, Mind & Language, 36(2), 221-240.
Under review
- An article about sensorimotor enactivism and mechanistic explanation (with Jonny Lee, Murcia) – Under R&R
In Progress
- An article about loneliness and continuing bonds with the dead
- An invited book chapter about the phenomenology of bereavement and the family for the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and the Family
- An article about atmosphere in fiction and emotion regulation (with Jonny Lee, Murcia)
- An article about grief and trauma (with Rob Davies, York)